The main character of this story is Hazel Grace, a sixteen-year-old diagnosed with cancer. She knows she'll be dead within five years - if she's lucky. But when an incredibly handsome boy turns up at her cancer support group, her life begins to turn into a roller-coaster ride that seems like it can only go up. She and Augustus Waters start seeing each other regularly, getting to know each other better. She knows she's in love, but hesitates to get closer to him because she doesn't want him to be heartbroken when she dies. Then Augustus admits that he's had a cancer relapse, and that it's spread to his entire body. Hazel has to watch as he starts to deteriorate from the laughing, drama-inclined person she knew to someone wallowing in depression and hopelessness.
That's a quick plot synopsis of The Fault In Our Stars. In a nutshell, this is a book about two cancer patients who fall in love but know they have only a few years of life left. The main struggle in the book is the two of them trying to answer the questions: Why am I here? Will I be remembered after I'm gone? You know from the moment you open the book that one or both will be dead before you get to the end - a somewhat depressing beginning to a somewhat depressing book.
As far as characters go, I was less than impressed. Hazel wasn't too bad, but her boyfriend Augustus was pretty shallow. Almost everything you learn about him through the course of the book can be traced back to Hazel in one way or another, and it seemed to me that he existed merely to be there for her - to make her happy while he was well and to make her sad when he was dying. Also, the things that Hazel found attractive about him - his sense of humor and his tendency to be theatrically dramatic - didn't do much for me. I didn't find him funny, and his dramatic flair seemed silly and pointless to me. More importantly, I couldn't follow Hazel and Augustus's arguments about the meaning of life and what the afterlife would be, which was a pretty important part of the book. I couldn't figure out where they were getting any foundation for the ideas they had, so the whole discussion was confusing. John Green's beliefs are definitely not mine, and so the point he was trying to make with this book didn't resonate with me, and without that point, his story doesn't have any appeal.
Besides having a theme that I didn't agree with and some pretty shallow characters, The Fault In Our Stars has a quite a lot of bad language and some other bad content. I was very tired of reading swear words after only fifty pages. My soapbox stand is this: if you're an author, surely you have a wider vocabulary than that! Also, when Hazel and Augustus are in Holland, they spend an afternoon alone together in his apartment. What they did during that time is part of why I give this book such a low review and why this isn't a book I'd be telling a ten-year-old to read. Or for that matter, a fourteen-year-old.
In fact, the only really positive thing I have to say about The Fault In Our Stars is that it did make me teary toward the end, after Augustus died. I usually say any book that moves me enough to make me have an emotional reaction is a good book, but obviously I don't feel this way about The Fault In Our Stars. Part of the reason those last twenty pages made me sad is because the events were pretty sad - Augustus was only 18 or 19, but his life is over. It was during this small, twenty-page space when Hazel was dealing with Augustus's death that John Green actually managed to do some good writing. That was the only moment when I could really connect with the story and other than that, The Fault In Our Stars was a flop.
Would I suggest you read this book? No. I'm glad I read it, because now I'll know what people are talking about when they start to rave about how good The Fault In Our Stars is. I won't be one of those people, and I don't think I'll ever read it again. It lacked meaning and purpose, and I don't have a lot of respect for authors who use bad language in their books. In the end, The Fault In Our Stars is a book I don't think I'll be suggesting as reading material for anyone. For me it holds no interest.