Poison, by Bridget Zinn, is a new book to me. I first heard about it when I read a review posted on a blog I follow - Katherine Marie: Writer of Dreams. Find her review HERE. I decided to give Poison a shot after reading Katherine Marie's review, so here's what I thought of it.
Poison is Bridget Zinn's first and only novel - she died in 2011, two years before her book was actually published. Poison is the story of potions master Kyerra, a sixteen-year-old girl who specializes in making perfumes and potions - and poisons. She never imagined she would one day have to use her skills to kill her best friend, the Crown Princess in order to save the kingdom. But the poisoned dart she threw missed, and now Kyerra is on the run, trying to track down the missing princess without getting caught and thrown into the dungeon by the royal guards. With the aid of a magical piglet and a handsome stranger called Fred, Kyerra must find a way to save the kingdom from destruction and ruin. And if she can at all avoid it, she’d like to avoid having to kill her best friend.
I enjoyed Poison more than I expected I would. Going strictly by the title and the cover, I was expecting a more gritty, gut-wrenching story, but I actually found that the story had many similarities to the Castle Glower series that I just recently reviewed. Poison is comfortable, engaging, and funny, with plenty of laughs and moments of light-heartedness. It's a story that gradually reveals the backstory of each of the characters and the events that brought them where they are - a very engaging way to tell a story. There was plenty of action and adventure as well, and a strong mystery element that kept me guessing at every new chapter.
Poison is a book I picked up for fun, casual reading, not a deep, morally engaging story. It was fun, funny, and amusing. I actually laughed while reading it, and not every amusing book can do that for me. I found Poison had an interesting, well-written plot, fascinating and funny characters, and the right mix of charm. What could be more charming than Rosie, the magical piglet? It's unfortunate that Bridget Zinn died before she could write a sequel - I bet it would have been a barrel of laughs.
Poison website: http://bridgetzinn.com/index.php
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