Sunday, November 30, 2014

Books of Bayern wrap-up

     Well, this November of blog reviews actually went really well for me - I was busy with NaNoWriMo, trying to write 50,000  words. But I had the idea of writing all these reviews in October, so I just posted them whenever I remembered to in November. Worked really well, and gave me enough time to complete my NaNoWriMo challenge. Yay!

     The Books of Bayern have been really fun to review, and they're a favorite series of mine. Each one is different and still satisfying and enjoyable. My two sisters, M and Jo, have read them all as well, and I thought it would be interesting to figure out which book each of us liked best, since it reflects our tastes as readers.

     M is fourteen. She likes to have a good time, loves laughing, and fun action. The three top things she likes in a book are humor, well-developed characters, and a believable villain. Her favorite of the Books of Bayern is River Secrets. Razo fills the humor category, and all the characters are well-developed, as in all of Shannon Hale's books. The villain of River Secrets was believable, but I won't tell you how, since that would spoil the story for you.

     Jo is thirteen. She enjoys dramatic stories and interesting adventures. The top three things she likes in a book are villains with a real purpose, not people who are bad for the fun of it. She also likes good, sound romance, not the fluffy, fake kind. Finally, the characters have to work - and maybe suffer - in order to achieve their goals, otherwise she's not impressed. Her favorite is Enna Burning, and that book fits all her top 3's very well - particularly the characters working and suffering.

     I'm seventeen. I like fantasy stories, a varied cast of interesting characters, and a plot with many layers. The top three things I want to find in a book are strong plots, good themes to add an extra, subtle dimension to the story, and finally I like for the characters to make personal journeys. My favorite of the Books of Bayern is Forest Born, and I would say it reflects every one of my top 3 very well.

     Anyway, those are our top favorite Books of Bayern, and some of our favorite things to find in books. Hopefully this was a useful addition to the Books of Bayern series review. As you can see, we all preferred a different book out of the series, but we all agree that the series is very, very good. At the risk of repeating myself, it's well worth looking into and reading.


  1. My nano wrimo stalled out at 35,868 of 50,000 while I was visiting you guys for a week. Nano wrimo - seperates the writers from the dabblers, right? :D

    1. Glad you finished yours, and I like your review series. Great job, sis!

    2. Only counts if you finish it. ;)

    3. Thanks for the compliment, though, Eli! It means a lot to me.
